Welcome to our Laboratory.

Please take your time to explore the various rooms with their hidden curiosities & delightful concoctions.

Enjoy my friend,

Dr. Henry Jekyll


ZERØ Additives

ZERØ Thinners

ZERØ Solvents

ZERØ Fillers


The Library


Never judge a book by its cover...especially in my series of "The Strange Case..."

"I have spent countless hours bent over my Analytical & Purification Chromatography machinery formulating these very special concoctions for your liking."

"Everything I conceive has pharmaceutical methodologies & executions as I do uphold the dignity and honor of the profession I have taken an oath to protect as a physician."

"Unlike other unsavory individuals, (which shall remain un-named), I do not engage in any artificial experiments which involve cannabinoid synthesis, isomerization or unnecessary lazy additives."

"Using only New World Tennessean grown hemp, which I personally have inspected from seedling to harvest to production, I have exclusively implemented scientific purification techniques to create these superior concoctions."

Dr. Henry Jekyll


It only took us a mere 40 iterations to achieve the brilliant concoctions we now call Potion 41

The Laboratory


Learn more of my Efficacious Formulations & Brilliant Methodologies

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